If you recently received your DK2 and are having problems, please read below.
Before playing any DK2 games, you will need to install the Oculus Run-Time. It is available on the download page:
After installing the Run-Time, please use the Config Util to setup a profile for your DK2. This will let you set your IPD, height, and other options. You can also try the demo scene (inside the Config Util) to make sure the device is working.
ランタイムをインストールした後、Config UtilでDK2のプロファイルを設定してください。こちらでIPD(Interpupillary distance:瞳孔間距離)や身長、その他オプションを設定します。また、(Config Util内の機能で)デモシーンを試すことでデバイスが動作しているかどうかの確認も行えます。
In most cases, choosing "Direct Mode" for the "Oculus Display Mode" will be the easiest setting. I believe it selects this by default, but you can always change this from the Oculus icon in task manager (in the lower-right corner on Windows, right-click and choose "Oculus Display Mode"). In "Direct Mode" Windows will not detect the DK2 as a monitor, but games will still be able to work. The light on the headset will stay solid orange, and the screen black, until you play a DK2 compatible game. Once the game loads the light on the DK2 will become solid blue.
If, for whatever reason, "Direct Mode" is not working for the game you are playing, then you can try "Extended Mode". In "Extended Mode" you will need to set the Windows display to extended desktop (and NOT mirror/clone/duplicate).
You also *MUST* rotate the screen orientation for the DK2 screen. Otherwise your screen will be flipped on it's side.You can change this in the Windows display settings, or in the Nvidia/AMD control panel. In Windows you can right-click the desktop, choose "Screen resolution" and then change the "orientation" options from "landscape" to "portrait". With Nvidia, it's under "Display" -> "Rotate Display".
Windowsの場合はデスクトップで右クリックを行い、画面の解像度(英:Screen resolution)を選択して「画面の向き」を「横(landscape)」から「縦(protrait)」に変更してください。Nvidiaの場合は「ディスプレイ(Display)」から「ディスプレイの回転(Rotate Display)」になります。
This may also be a good chance to make sure the DK2 is set to 1920x1080 resolution at 75Hz refresh rate.
Keep in mind that the DK2 will *ONLY* work with games and apps that are specifically coded to support the Rift. Just trying to play any old game with the Rift WILL NOT work. You can find a list of DK2 compatible demos on Oculus Share
If you run a non-Rift game, or regular 2D application (including the Windows desktop, web browsers, etc.) then the image will look oddly overlapping or cross-eyed. This is because the Rift uses a single display panel shared between both eyes. So each eye is only seeing one side of the same panel. So if you look at normal 2D content, you will only see half in each eye, which is obviously not comfortable.
If you are experiencing choppy motion in games, also called judder, there may be different solution. The first thing to check is that your computer is fast enough to maintain at least 75fps while playing the game. If you have an older computer, the performance can be an issue. Having Aero (desktop composition) "off" can cause slow fps. Make sure Aero is "on". If you are running multiple monitors, this can also be a source of issues. Making the DK2 the primary display can help. Or you can try setting your monitor to 75Hz refresh (usually this will need to be at a lower resolution like 1280x1024). If you are playing Unity content, make sure it's running in DirectX 11 mode. You can do this by creating a shortcut and adding this to the end of the target command (after a space):
Aero(デスクトップ描画システム:Desktop Window Manager - Wikipedia)をオフにしている場合にfpsが落ちる場合があります。Aeroがオンになっているか確認してください。
マルチモニターを走らせている場合、こちらも原因となる可能性があります。DK2をプライマリディスプレイ(priary display)にすることで解消されるかもしれません。あるいは、モニタの設定を75Hzリフレッシュに設定できる場合があります。(一般に1280×1024以下の解像度の場合に必要になるでしょう)
If your Rift is not being detected at all by the Config Util, then games will not work. In this case, you may want to double-check all the cables and ports. For example, switch the USB port for the Rift and camera, and also the video port on the GPU. Plugging into a powered USB hub can also help. USB 2.0 may have better support. You can also use new (3rd party) HDMI and USB cables. This cable may work as a replacement for the sync cable:
PoweredUSBハブに接続することも有効な場合があります。USB2.0の方がよい場合もあります。新しい((付属品ではなく)他社製の)HDMIケーブルやUSBケーブルを使うこともできます。以下のケーブルはシンクケーブル(sync cable)と差し替えて動作させることができる場合があります。
If you are having camera detection or positional tracking issues, then try plugging the sync cable directly from the camera to the headset. You can find the port on the top of the DK2 under the rubber cover. You can also try purchasing the replacement cable above.
もしカメラ認識や位置トラッキングで問題がある場合、シンクケーブルを直接カメラから(Rift DK2の)ヘッドセットに差し込んでみてください。ポートはDK2の上部にあるラバーカバーの下にあります。前述の差し替え用ケーブルを試す方法もあります。
In the event you're experiencing crashing in games, or they fail to open, it could be a few things. First, make sure your GPU (graphics card) can support DirectX 11. While older cards may work with some games, it can be a source of issues. Make sure you have the Visual C++ Redistributables installed. You will want both 2010 and 2012 versions in both x86 and x64 flavors.
If you have a laptop, please understand that switchable graphics (i.e. Nvidia Optimus) are not well supported. In this case you will have an integrated Intel GPU working along side a more powerful Nvidia or AMD card. Unfortunately, this can be problematic and not recommended. In fact, laptop computers are not recommended at all due to lack of power and various compatibility issues. For the best experience, please use a desktop machine with a dedicated Nvidia or AMD GPU. It's hard to give an exact minimum supported spec, but please try to get a powerful, modern graphics card.
ラップトップ(ノートPC)の場合、グラフィック最適化(=Nvidia Optimus)には現状で完全には対応できていないことをご理解ください。この場合、IntelGPUが動作する横でより強力なNvidiaやAMDのグラボが設置されていたとしても、残念ながら問題がありお勧めしません。
Hopefully this covers the main issues. If you have any common questions, please feel free to reply here. If you have a really strange or unique issue, then creating a new thread in the "Reporting Issues" section may be the better option. Thanks.
この記事が主な問題であることを願います。もし何か疑問などあれば、お気軽にこちらへリプライしてください。もし変な/独特な問題があった場合は、別スレッドとして「Reporting Issues(問題報告)」セクションとして立てていただければ。Thanks。
// cybereality